What tests should I live to find out if I had cancer or uterine wall? If a woman is experiencing abnormal bleeding or other symptoms, the evaluation process will begin with a detailed interview.
The doctor will ask symptoms, previous medical history, family medical history, menstrual and pregnancy history, and lifestyle habits. This information will help the doctor determine the cause and symptoms. The interview will be followed by a physical examination, including examination.
If the doctor suspects endometrial cancer, it will refer the patient to an obstetrician (obstetrics gynecology). Here are a variety of tests that can be done for early detection of endometrial cancer. Let's look at each.
Laboratory Tests
There are no blood tests or radiology tests that can diagnose endometrial cancer. Laboratory tests may be done after the diagnosis of endometrial cancer is established to determine whether a patient can undergo treatment and monitor treatment success.
Tumor markers: the patient's blood will be checked. A tumor marker called CA 125. Bookmarks are generally elevated in patients with ovarian cancer: but is less specific marker for endometrial cancer. CA 125 is released into the bloodstream by some ovarian cancer and uterine cancer.
Very high levels sometimes indicate that the cancer has spread from the endometrium to other body parts. If the blood of a woman has high levels of CA 125 at the time of cancer diagnosis, these markers will be checked on a regular basis as a measure of whether the treatment is successful or not. For example, after the uterus and inoperable tumors, tumor marker levels will be reduced drastically.
Radiology Tests
This test is not really necessary, but if you do, then tests include transvaginal ultrasonography, Hidroultrasonografi, CT scan of the pelvis, pelvic MRI and chest X-ray. Here's an explanation of each.
Transvaginal ultrasonography
Ultrasound is a technique that uses sound waves to obtain images of the internal organs. Ultrasound uses the same technique that is used to view a fetus in the womb. To perform transvaginal ultrasound, a small instrument called a transducer is inserted into the vagina. The tool is generating sound waves, which bounce off the organs inside the pelvis and sent to the monitor into an image. Often the transducer probe moves slowly to get a better picture. This examination is extremely safe and painless.
The principle is similar to the transvaginal ultrasound, but saline solution is injected first into the uterus to develop uterine wall. This procedure can improve the image and shows more detailed uterus.
Pelvic CT Scan
A common option for further investigation. CT scan is similar to an X-ray, but the results are shown in more detail in 2 dimensions.
Pelvic MRI
Test results are presented in the form of 3-dimensional images.
An X-ray chest
This examination is required if suspicion occurs or metastatic spread to the lungs.
Bone Scan
This type of examination is required if you suspect that the cancer has spread to the bone.
Test Diagnosis
Diagnostic tests that help identify endometrial cancer include uterine wall biopsy, dilatation and curettage, and hysteroscopy and endoscopy. A biopsy is the removal of tissue in the body of a very small amount. The network is then examined under a microscope to look for abnormalities that lead to cancer.
In general, obstetricians will perform a biopsy, and the tissue lining of the uterus will be examined by a pathologist (a doctor who specializes in this case).
The most commonly used method is to insert a small tube into the uterus through the cervix. A biopsy is done in the doctor's office and only takes a few minutes. Results from the uterine wall biopsies often give a definite answer about cancer.
Often endoscopy is used to help the lining of the uterus biopsy or dilation and curettage. Endoscope is a thin tube with a tiny camera and light on the end. The tube is inserted into the uterus through the cervix. This endoscope transmits images to a video monitor uterine wall. Hysteroscopy help doctors see the uterus when taking a sample of tissue lining of the uterus.
If the biopsy results doubt, there will be dilatation and curettage procedure. In this test, the doctor inserts a small instrument through the cervix open and scrape tissue from the uterine wall. The network is then taken and examined by a pathologist. This procedure is usually done by outpatient and requires general anesthesia because most patients will experience some discomfort.
source : deherba.com
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