A. Type of Clothing
Clothing can be grouped into two types, namely the outer garment and fashion.
1. Outdoor clothing is clothing worn on the clothing worn on the inside and the outside. Based on the purpose of use, outdoor clothing menjdi classified five categories, namely:
a) Clothing workers, among others, for the office, you can, at home, to school, to the garden, to the market.
b) Dress casual, among others, for recreation to the beach, to the mountains, to the historic location.
c) Clothing sports, including gymnastics for physical fitness, gymnastics disco, swimming, tennis, and other sports.
d) Clothing party, among others, to be worn on festive occasions in the day or night.
e) Clothing official, among others, subject to certain ceremonies, such as clothing area.
2. Dress in clothing that is worn on the skin of the body. Based on the purpose of use, the clothes are classified into 3 categories, namely:
A) Clothing is worn directly on the skin of the body or bodies to cover certain parts of the body such as: bra, bras, panties, petticoats, bebe inside, camisole, strepless, longtorso, step in, corst, angkin, setagen.
B) Clothing used in the home include:
- Fashion houses are: nightgowns ataau house dress, kimono, bathing suits, clothes home.
- Clothing sleep, namely: pajamas, sleeping bebe
C) Baby Clothing can be grouped into:
- Cover the upper body such as clothes, sadaria, octopus, cap.
- Cover the lower body such as diapers, pants.
- Baby Clothing such as cape, baby blanket.
It should be noted that the use of clothing must be adapted to the purpose and type of clothing itself, for example, used only pajamas in the bedroom. Do not wear pajamas to receive guests or a morning run.
B. Complement Clothing (Accessories)
What is meant by complementary bsana (accessories) are objects other than clothing worn to complement a person's appearance. Complementary clothing or accessories in general can be classified into two categories, namely primary accessories (functional) and secondary accessories.
Primary accessory is the accessory that should complement the appearance, can also be called a functional accessory, for example:
1. Waistband.
2. Ties and Shoes in the use of a suit.
3. Scarves and Slippers in the use of fabric and kebaya.
4. Stole the streples use.
Secondary Accessories accessory group that works to beautify, to make someone look more attractive. These accessories can be kelompokankkan in:
1. Head cover, bags, shoes.
2. Jewelry for the head, such as hairpin, ornamental combs, and flower rocking.
3. Jewellery for the neck, such as a necklace and a scarf or shawl.
4. Jewelry to hand, including bracelets, rings, and watches.
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